Goal setting builds unstoppable self-confidence

Goals are an essential part of achieving anything in life, they should be clear, concise and in writing.

Goals are the stairway to unstoppable self-confidence. Self-confidence is not a quality each of us is born with, it is paramount to our personal development. Initially it is shaped through our younger years by those who have the most influence in our lives, parents, siblings, teachers and friends. The level of self-confidence in a young adult will vary considerably depending on the beliefs drummed into their subconscious. If you are reading this and thinking that you are one of these individuals, who lack self-confidence let me reassure you; that this will not be your future should you choose to change your destiny now!  Anything can change when you make good decisions and follow through with the actions required to achieve your goals. Which path you choose is up to you, whichever one it is, it will always be the right one for you.

When setting goals it is human nature to jump right in and start with the biggest ones first, which is a good thing. However, it is very important to understand that this is only the beginning. Effective goal setting is done daily, with smaller goals that essentially take you one step closer to achieving your biggest goals. The importance of having many small goals is short-term achievement, without these smaller triumphs you will become despondent with your efforts.

Take the first step on your stairway to unstoppable self-confidence. A stairway is made up of treads and risers. The treads are your goals and only vary in length depending on the size of the goal, going the distance and the risers are your achievements, leveling up. Whenever a goal is achieved it should be celebrated no matter how big or small it is, when I celebrate things I feel good, what about you? Of course you do. When you are feeling a sense of pride and excitement knowing you successfully completed another goal. What do you think this will do for your self-confidence?  That’s right it’s going to give you a boost and you will go up a level on your stairway to unstoppable self-confidence. Imagine how unstoppable you will become, when you’re getting 4 or 5 boosts a day!

Do you think you will become unstoppable with weekly or monthly goals, no of course not! That is why you must have many small measurable and achievable goals on a daily basis. Momentum is the key to maintaining unstoppable self-confidence. Celebrate yourself as often as you can, remember you put in the effort, so you deserve it!

Every morning start your day by writing down 4 or 5 smalls goals, these should be attainable and measurable towards your greater goals.

The foundation of your attitude is your WHY. So protect it at all costs, as it is the driving force of your ability to succeed.